Mayor Ron Toyota strikes a smile after making a shot at a men’s curling league event Nov. 25. Photo: Dave Dyck

Creston Curling: Rockin’ the House

"In these very difficult times, it is such a wonderful feeling to have a commitment to be somewhere and also to enjoy the exercise and meet with friends."

By Hennie Webster

What a wonderful feeling it has been to get back to curling at the Creston Curling Club! In these very difficult times, it is such a wonderful feeling to have a commitment to be somewhere and also to enjoy the exercise and meet with friends.

As curlers in Creston, we all get to experience this on Monday afternoons with a new stick league, and Monday evenings with an open league. Tuesday mornings let the seniors enjoy mixed curling and Tuesday evenings we offer mixed doubles (of the Olympic variety).

On Wednesday afternoons, we have ladies’ curling followed by men’s open curling in the evening. Thursday mornings we are back on with the mixed seniors and Thursday evening we have a ladies’ open league. Fridays start with a men’s seniors in the morning and then there is a mixed fun league for Friday evening.

This “fun” is all happening with COVID-19 safety in place. The many executive board volunteers, who have helped to set us on the right track, are so greatly appreciated for having gotten us this far. In addition, other great volunteers are manning doors and executing other important duties. THANK YOU ALL!

This current season is more than half over and our ability to enjoy it is more than 100 per cent.

Our COVID life here is ever-changing. We fervently hope for an end to this pandemic and a return to more optimistic and healthy living. We are thankful for the safety we have been afforded in our bit of Creston heaven.

In the meantime, we will wear our masks and keep on hurrying hard!

Update: As of this week (Nov. 25), we have to curl in masks and I was so pleased to see everyone following this rule. I curled in a mask that got quite damp. But I CURLED!

We are hopeful of starting the second half registration in December. We could use more participants for the Monday stick curling (no sweeping involved) as well as Tuesday evening doubles, the Wednesday afternoon ladies and Thursday evening ladies. With the COVID rules, we can only use spares that are in a registered league. SEE YOU ON THE ICE (but I won’t read your lips).

Creston Valley Advance