The Creston FC, in a group shot from a May long weekend tournament.

The Creston FC, in a group shot from a May long weekend tournament.

Creston FC places second in Crawford Bay soccer tournament

Creston FC second in tourney hosted by East Shore United; Slocan and Rossland also competed...

The Creston FC placed second in a tournament hosted by East Shore United the last weekend of June in Crawford Bay.

Teams from Slocan and Rossland also competed, with Slocan being shut out 4-0 by Creston in the first game. With players from Nelson and Kaslo, the East Shore team was tough to beat, and Creston tied with them before beating Rossland 2-0.

In the final against East Shore United, Dennis Lilas scored a goal that led to a shootout to finish the tournament. Creston lost the shootout, but the tournament was an overall success, with the local team letting in only two goals.

Creston FC’s next tournament runs next weekend during Kimberley’s July Fest.

Creston Valley Advance