Jessica Steed launches the ball past a Mt. Sentinel Secondary opponent in a Friday game.

Jessica Steed launches the ball past a Mt. Sentinel Secondary opponent in a Friday game.

Creston senior girls fourth, junior girls third in Kootenay Cup Challenge

Prince Charles Secondary School seniors fourth behind Invermere, Trail and Fernie; juniors third behind Trail and Kaslo...

Prince Charles Secondary School hosted several team on the weekend for the Kootenay Cup Challenge.

The PCSS senior girls placed fourth in the tournament, with Invermere’s David Thompson in first, followed by Trail’s J.L. Crowe and Fernie. Nakusp and South Slocan’s Mount Sentinel placed, respectively, fifth and sixth.

The PCSS junior team fared slightly better, placing third, behind first-place Trail and second-place J.V. Humphries from Kaslo. Fourth, fifth and sixth went to Nakusp, Sparwood and Golden.

Emilie Pinto, Kaitlyn Zolinsky, Tesse Poznikoff and Erin Collison were named Creston’s senior MVPs, and junior MVPs were Dayna Sorenson, Carter Pelly, Molly Palmer and Zanna Palmer.

Creston Valley Advance