As the cross country ski season approaches the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club is looking for new volunteers this season.

As the cross country ski season approaches the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club is looking for new volunteers this season.

Cross country ski club seeking new volunteers; AGM this Thursday

The Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club is looking for new volunteers to step up to fill vacant positions this Thursday at its AGM.

Following the loss of several executive members this season, the Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club is looking for new volunteers to step up to fill vacant positions this Thursday, Sept. 24, during its annual general meeting.

“We are really hoping that some new faces step up to take over the roles they are leaving,” said WLCCSC communications manager Kirsty Gartshore.

“Every little thing people can help with makes our ski area the place that it is.”

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the Williams Lake Library meeting room.

“If you like using the facility and want it to not only continue as it has int he past, but also to grow, then please consider either taking a position on the board or helping us out with a specific task,” she said. “No experience is necessary for most tasks.”

The following is a list of needs and positions the WLCCSC is looking to fill this season.

• Two to three directors at large to help with decision making and miscellaneous tasks as they come up

• Assistant coaches to help on Sundays between 1 and 3 p.m. and Wednesday evening for up to 16 weeks from December through to the middle of March (requires coaching course, paid for by the club in return for minimum time commitment)

• Adult lesson co-ordinator

• Fundraising co-ordinator

• Grant writer for specific funding applications (gaming grant application in April/May); requires less long-term commitment

• Family Fun Day co-ordinator

• People to help with the Elementary School Cross Country Ski TOurnament

• People who are interested in setting up other events are welcome (e.g. ladies night ski, ski-cuisine event, retirees group ski, etc.)

• At least six new groomers who are willing to commit to 40 hours of grooming over the course of the season, after training. Grooming may have to take place late at night in order to take advantage of temperatures below -5C.

• Someone to help with grooming equipment

• Someone to act as liaison between the club and the woodlot owner, to asses logging plans and road use plans and communicate concerns of each party

• Someone to help with Facebook, blogging, member e-mails, newspaper, radio, Twitter updates as needed. This person might also help soliciting member input.

• Someone to administer the contract for road and parking lot clearing

• Someone to organize the trail cleanup day in the fall

• Someone to take on the managing/maintenance of one or more of the following responsibilities: ski racks, lighting system, firewood, kiosk, blow-down tree removal, danger tree removal, trails, signage, fences and gates, cattle guards, drainage (culverts)

• Someone to take on the managing/maintenance of one or more of the following responsibilities: grooming equipment storage (summer and winter), warming hut, Mike’s Maison, timing hut, chimney cleaning, lights, outhouses (cleaning, repair and stocking), security, cell coverage, telephone-landline

• Someone to manage first-aid equipment and restock when necessary

• Day use auditors to both educate and raise awareness about day use fees, memberships and responsible/fun use of dog trails by four-legged and two-legged users

• Someone to buy and re-stock doggie bags when necessary

Additionally, the WLCCSC is looking for a secretary, or someone who can take notes during meetings and compile minutes.

If anyone is interested in filling any of these positions but is not able to attend the AGM they can e-mail or call any of the current executive members by phone by visiting (phone numbers on website.)

Williams Lake Tribune