Cross retains challenge pin in Alberni womens golf

Alberni lady golfer Janice Cross retained the Challenge Pin against Kathie Smith carding her game of 88.

Janice Cross retains the Challenge Pin against Kathie Smith carding her game of 88 today.

Low Net placer was Sharon Haggard with a net of 69 as a result of her gross score of 91.

Haggard also took the Ball sweep of KP with her third shot on Hole number 12. Second ball was won by Carol Hastings who very nearly had a hole in three on Hole No. 6.

Solheim Cup reported that they did not do well…only added up one point against the other golf teams playing in the competition.

Watch for the Morningstar tournament coming soon and the game on Gabriola which will be held this Friday.

Next Tuesday being the first Tuesday in the month, competition will be a shotgun start beginning at 8 a.m. followed by a meeting to discuss our own tournament on June 24.

Many thanks to Kathy White who so kindly reported our golf events while this writer was away recently.


A Division: Low Gross placer was Sharon Hillman while Marie Swain took Low Net.  Low Putts were tied between Kathy Toms, Marie Swain and Sharon Hillman.

B Division: Low Gross was marilyn Merwin with Cassandra Parker taking Low Net score.  Must have been a hot day for putters as Lorraine Wilson, Marilyn Merwin and Mary Dyson all tied for top honours.

A chip-in was recorded by Marie Swain on Hole No. 6.

Par’s were carded by Sharon Hillman on No. 6; Lois Robinson on No. 6; Cass Parker on No. 2; Kathy Toms on No. 3 and Marilyn Merwin on No. 2.

Nineteen 9-Hole members enjoyed Alberni Golf Club this morning.  Welcome to new members, Betty Adair and Cassandra Parker.

Nice to see long time club members Mary Haggard and Audrey Pemberton back on the links at Alberni Golf Club.

Alberni Valley News