Crowds pack at Speedway season finale

Crowds pack at Speedway season finale

Penticton Speedway Halloween edition full of character and speed

Cars lined the top of Carmi Road near Penticton Speedway on Sunday.

It was a sign that spectators didn’t want to miss out on the final race, Halloween Day of Destruction. The stands were packed and engines roared. The lineup of entertainment for Sunday was hornets, streetstocks, late models and wrapping up with hit-to-pass boat and trailer race.

Related: Halloween finale at Speedway

The latemodels didn’t waste time completing its 40-lap race. The 25 drivers showed off their skills in just over 10 minutes.

The same couldn’t be said for the 75-lap streetstocks, which had a few crashes slowing things down. The race was eventually shortened by 10 laps.

More on this story to come.

Penticton Western News