Crown Isle Ladies play Back-up/Move-up

Par for the Course: A roundup of action from Comox Valley golf courses

Back-up/Move-up at Crown Isle




Interesting – that may well be a good descriptor of the game of Back-up/Move-up played Aug. 28 by the Crown Isle Ladies golf club.

Everyone starts from the white tee box – if you bogey or more you move forward a tee box on the next hole.  If you par the hole you start from the same tee box on the next hole; if you birdie the hole you go back a tee box for the next hole.  Play continues moving up or back.

Low gross winner was May Mitchell with an 80 and second  went to Katy Macaulay for her 83. First low net was Eleanor Peter’s 65, while there was a three-way tie for the second at 69 scored by Pat Johnson, Sandy Linhart and Anne Sands.

The KPs were awarded to Mavis Baines on #12 and Helen Kitchen on #7. Lots of birdies: Mavis Baines (#2 and #12), Sandy Dudley (#16), Pat Johnson (#12), Katy Macaulay (#16), Jan Macfarlane (#16), Maggie Maclean (#1 and #13), May Mitchell (#6), Sandra Morton (#18), Barb Parker (#17), Eleanor Peters (#15), Iris Peterson (#16), Anne Sands (#5), Sheila van Gisbergen (#2) and Donna Wilson (#7). In the Par 5 (25+hcp category), Pat Johnson had a par on #1 and Gillian Kirkpatrick had one on #5.

Perhaps two descriptors would be more appropriate – interesting and fun.




Alberti wins

Silvio Alberti shot 32 at Sunnydale Men’s Night to win low net last week. Close behind was the up-and-comer Vance Johnson with a net 35 followed by Jules Urban and Darrell Smith 35.5s.

On the gross side Jordon Rallison 35, Dave Pye 37, Robin Ward 38. Robin also wins a golf lesson for the straightest drive #1 thanks to Brian Benedictson. KP #2 Jordon Rallison won agift pack thanks to Lordco. KP #3 and #5 cash prize Peter Benedictson.

Closest to the Pinchazo #3 Silvio Alberti wins a natural enhancement product from The Romance Shop. KP #4 Bob

Tarbuck wins Golfer’s Toolbox thanks to Swinkey Golf. Jordon Rallison long drive #6 and KP # 8 wins a set of darts thanks to Pacific Western Brewery.

Longest putt # 7 goes to Earl Costello who won a gift certificate to the Whistle Stop. KP #9 goes to Randy Bennett thanks to Freakin Coffee.

It’s 5:30 shotgun: try and get signed up as soon as you can.




Small field

Sunnydale Ladies Golf on Tuesday, Aug. 28 had a smaller turnout than usual but it was a good day for golf.

For the nine-hole players, low gross went to Ardene Larison and low putts went to Louise Smiley. Today was their Turkey Shoot and the winner was Maureen Holt. Second was Ardene Larison and third was Louise Smiley. Honourable mention goes to Maureen Holt for a birdie on #4. Next week will be regular golf.

The 18-hole girls low gross winner was Lys McCrone with 90. Next was Judy Berkeley with 91, Teri Sleigh with 92, Fran Gibson 93, Patricia Lowe 95, Jane Grant 95 and Marlene Gerrie 95. Low net winner was Betty Lund with 63. Next was Anna Butler with 64, Blod Crookshank 68, Doris Squire 71, Ann McLeod 72 and Trisha Harris 72.

Low putts winners were Teri Sleigh, Lys McCrone, Betty Lund and Darlene Clark. Longest putt on #9 Kathy Reid. KP on #10 sponsored by Ann Newman Pro Shop was Frankie McCaffrey.

KP #15 Anna Butler. KP #5 second shot Becky Kenner. There were about six birdies and three or four chip-ins.

This week we are saying good-bye and good luck to our lady pro who has been with us for quite some time and we wish her the very best for her new endeavours. Thank you, Ann.

Next week is regular golf.







Amazing golf

On Thursday, Aug. 23 there was some amazing golf at Comox. Jan Dafoe (37) had low gross, followed by Sue Leakey (38). Low net was a tie between Barb Dixson and Luella Dooe (33).

Long drives: Darlene McCauley, Sandy Tofnail; KPs: Darlene McCauley, Nancy Newton, Jo Falco; longest putt: Linda Callender; fewest putts: Karen Vanetta, Jan Dafoe, Nancy Newton (13).

On Tuesday, Aug. 28 the Comox ladies played a fun game of Ts and Fs, where you count only the net score of holes that start with the letter T or F. Phyllis Taylor had the lowest score (32), followed by Sharon Crowe (34) and Val Pearce (34). Long drives: Amber Dufour, Linda Baker; KPs: Marg Kelly, Pat Schmidt, Val Pearce; longest putt: Mary Suchla.

We would like to thank our sponsors: Signature Wines, Sprinklers, Doug Petrie Golf, Panago Pizza, Playtime Gaming, Loonyrama, Arizona Gifts, Kathy Branch, Shipwrecked Bead Shop and Chinook Forest Products for their continued support of the Comox Ladies Golf Club.








For a different challenge, the Tuesday Night Men’s League at Glacier Greens Golf Course played an “any three clubs plus putter” scramble. The players had to often conjure up innovative shots. An often heard comment was, “Gee, I should try that type of shot more often, it really works.”

1st -4 Tremblay, Barry Hewer, Nick Mykitiuk and Ron Carter. 2nd -3 c/b Chuck Brown, Wayne Oglivie, Claud Dufault and Wayne Mabee. 3rd -3 c/b Clint Perry, Adrian Haut, Bryan Hotsenpiller and Dick Stuart. 4th -3 Bill Girard, Bob Mowat, Rick Verbeek and Keith Ross.

The Richard Martin team won the one snip that stood up. Individual hole challenge prize winners were as follows:

#1 (sponsored by Bill Kelly Pro Shop) Adrian Haut, #2 (Scott Fraser Real Estate) Clint Perry, #3 (Coulters’ Automotive Repair) Rudge Wilson, #4 (Griffin Pub) Dave Wacowich, #5 (Applebee’s) Keith Ross, #6 (Jo Klassen’s Grill) Scott Teasdale, #7 (Little Caesar’s Pizza) Vic Crisp, #8 (Billy D’s Pub) Scott Teasdale, #9 (A-Lure Barber Shop) Bill Girard.

Draw prizes donated by Westview Ford, The Avenue, Chips Ahoy, Brian McLean Chevrolet, Panago Pizza and A&W were awarded. The winner of the granite cutting board donated by Quick and Easy Granite was Jim Hume.

Guests are welcome.




Rallison rocks

It was “Jordon Rallison Night at Sunnydale” last week as he dominated the prize table at Beer and Burger night.

He started with Closest To The Pinchazo #3 to win a natural enhancement product from The Romance Shop. Next he hit closest to the stick #5 a cash prize, then long drive #6 set of darts thanks to Pacific Western Brewery. Last but not least closest to the stick #9 coffee card thanks to Freakin Coffee.

The straightest drive #1 goes to Kyle Stairs who wins a golf lesson thanks to Brian Benedictson. Closest to the stick  #2 goes to Hamster Stewart he wins a gift pack thanks to Lordco. Closest

to the stick #3 Brian Benedictson cash prize. He also won a Golfer’s

Toolbox thanks to Swinkey Golf and closest to the stick #8 thanks to

Pacific Western Brewery.

Long putt #7 goes to Darrell Smith, a gift certificate thanks to the Whistle Stop.  Low gross for the night goes to Brian Benedictson with a 35 followed by his dad Peter with a 37 also Kyle Stairs 37. Low net Earl Costello 32.5, Chris Dawson 34, Darrell Smith 36, sneaking in with a 36.5 sore back and all The Urban Cowboy.

Next week we start at 5:30 p.m. so try and get signed up a little earlier.








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