Cubs draw with Bays

A more determined effort allowed the Cowichan Cubs to eke out a tie with Bays last Sunday.

A more determined effort allowed the Cowichan Cubs to eke out a 1-1 tie with Bays in the Lower Island Women’s Soccer Association last Sunday.

“We played much better soccer with a little more aggression and desire,” coach Marilyn Pugh said.

Bays opened the scoring, but Cowichan tied it up when Benecia George scored off a scramble that followed a corner kick by Seleana Jack.

Pugh felt the Cubs were fortunate to give up just one goal.

“We were lucky once again because Kerynne Bain made numerous great saves for us,” she said. “Our defending seems to be our struggle right now — not just our defenders, our defending in general. There is too much jumping in and over-committing so the opponent easily dribbles around us. We need to learn how to defend, how to jockey, how to force them to the outside rather than giving up our middle.”

Pugh noted that Amanda Sidhu played a “fabulous game” in the middle.

The Cubs will visit Vic West FC at Finlayson Park this Friday.


Cowichan Valley Citizen