Curlers need playoff to crown champions

Another great end at the 100 Mile House Curling Club

After six months of curling, the cream usually rises to the top and this year is no exception.

With our curlers putting away their brushes for golf clubs, garden rakes and fishing rods, playoffs in our mixed, women’s and men’s leagues are a natural progression.

In the Tuesday night mixed league, Jim Mitchell’s rink, which finished first in regular league play, also finished on top in the final playoff game. Jim’s opposition was the Char Marshall foursome whose third-place standing was not indicative of their level of play.

This game went back-and-forth until the sixth end when Mitchell’s crew scored a four-ender, putting Char’s rink in a deep hole. After one more end, Marshall’s team conceded and they shook hands. The final score ended up being 9-6.

Excellent shot making and brushing by Mitch’s front end – third Dianne Menzer, second Terry Bell and lead Natalie Hefer, proved to be the difference.

Although theirs was a losing cause, Char’s rink was gracious in defeat. Third Bob Berke, second Michele Guy and lead John Atkinson lead, were only one bad sixth end from a different result.

The upset bug really bit hard when Dennis Gosselin’s young studs pulled off a great win in the Wednesday night men’s league final. Despite finishing in third place during league play, these buff boys always seem to peak at the right time.

Their opposition was the John Atkinson rink who finished first in the league, not having lost a game since the beginning of January. This being said, all those wins only set them up for a real pratfall (sorry Bill).

This game started with the rinks feeling each other out exchanging doubles that tied them up by the fourth end. Dennis’ boys started to creep ahead scoring singles, so by the eighth end, they were up by three.

Atkinson’s swabbies set the table in the eighth end, so they were in a position to tie if only they could make the last shot of the game. Alas, they were a bit tight on the broom and all the spoils went to the Gosselin rink. Final score was 9-6.

Throwing skip rocks for the winners was Duane Ney, third Gosselin, second Steve Cole and lead Scott Saito.

Not to hang their heads in a losing cause were skip Atkinson, third Bob Berke, Kelly Powell shining at second and lead Wayne Venos.

Our Thursday night ladies league does not have playoffs but their finish of regular play was no less exciting. With the winning trophy in the balance, Hollis Ney coolly pulled off a tie in her last game to edge Joanne Doddridge’s girls by one point.

Hollis’ rink had been on top most of the year, so you could say that they probably should have won but the adversity her rink had to overcome has made our whole curling club very proud of them. Curlers stick together through good times and bad and always try to be there for each other.

The Doddridge girls would likely want to change some of those ties they came up with during the winter into wins, but I am sure they will be happy with the strong finish to their season.

Curling for Hollis were third Gwen Mitchell, second Betty Warman and lead Judy Peterson. Due to extenuating circumstances these many spares played a very important role in this rink’s great season: Sandra Coldwell, Christine Grenzer and Chloe Mitchell.

Putting on the pressure to the end only to be denied were skip Joanne, third Tanya Hammerstron, second Shannon Knapp and lead Brenda Bourassa lead.

All curlers should not forget the upcoming annual general meeting to be held on April 15 at the Curling Club. There will be complimentary snacks at 6 p.m. with the AGM starting at 7 p.m. Awards will be given out after the meeting, so please show up as there are exciting details to be revealed.

Wayne Venos is the curling club’s public relations director.


100 Mile House Free Press