Curlers put on a great show March 4-6

Menzer's Rink captured top spot at 100 Mile Ladies Bonspiel

  • Mar. 10, 2016 10:00 a.m.
Second Lorna Todd, left, watched skip Lorraine Young's release of her rock during the 57th Annual 100 Mile Women's Bonspiel on March 5. Young, Todd, Rene Zelt and Kris Alexander came from behind in a couple of games leading up to the C event finals, which they won on March 6, and took home the team jackets for their effort.

Second Lorna Todd, left, watched skip Lorraine Young's release of her rock during the 57th Annual 100 Mile Women's Bonspiel on March 5. Young, Todd, Rene Zelt and Kris Alexander came from behind in a couple of games leading up to the C event finals, which they won on March 6, and took home the team jackets for their effort.

By Wayne Venos

Diane Menzer’s curling team from Mission came into 100 Mile House on Friday (March 4) night on a mission to win the 57th Annual 100 Mile Ladies Curling Bonspiel, and succeeded beyond their their wildest dreams.

Having just recently moved into our area from Mission, she thought this bonspiel would be a perfect way to reconnect with two of her old curling buddies from the Fraser Valley. Needing one more curler for her rink, Diane recruited local curler Natalie Hefer, and the die was cast for their curling triumph.

Starting with a win on Friday night, they advanced through the field of 13 rinks to arrive in the A final on Sunday (March 6) afternoon. Up against a formidable foe, local curler Trudy Folk, Menzer continued her magic on the ice to defeat the Folk crew 7-4.

Trudy scored singles in the first two ends, but Diane came back and scored three in the third with a clutch double takeout. She continued the pressure with a steal of one in the fourth and really put the hammer down with another steal of two in the fifth end.

Her rink started slow but turned up the heat as the game went on; Trudy was always looking at blue stones guarding her path to the button. When asked about the secret to their success, Diane said her girls stayed steady in every game and their goal was to have fun.

Other members of this rink are Sherry Freeman at third, Hefer playing second and Noreen Wright throwing lead stones.

Working hard for the Trudy Folk rink were longtime friends Jean Gilbert at third, Debbie Messner throwing second stones and Anne Topping playing lead. These girls never gave up and showed true grit to the very end.


B finals

There was a little different story in the B event final where veteran 100 Mile skip, Hollis Ney, started out strong in the first end against Sharlene Sandback from Kamloops and never looked back cruising to a 9-1 victory.

Hollis scored four with the hammer in the first end, stole three in the second and after that the game was essentially over.

Sharlene had a chance in the third end to get back in the game but missed an open takeout for four and only ended up taking one.

Hollis confided in me that having youth on her rink, as she picked up Elaine Hefer to spare, helped with sweeping and shot making.

With Betty Warman moving up from her usual position of second to third, it brought out her best as she was one of the top thirds in the whole bonspiel. Making numerous doubles and precise calls in the house, Betty was a difference for her team.

Lead Sandra Coldwell did a lot of the heavy work at the front end and despite slipping once or twice, performed great.


C event

Lorraine “Hanke” Young’s 100 Mile crew started out strong in the C final when they stole three in the first end and then added icing on the cake with a steal of three in the fifth on their way to a 9-3 win over Joanne Doddridge of 100 Mile.

Hanke, as she is affectionately known by her friends, told me, “Whatever I called they made it.”

Her front end set up the house continually keeping pressure on Joanne’s rink. Young’s third, Kris Alexander, was instrumental in keeping her skip on course and never in trouble.

There was a bit of sadness though in their win as Hanke’s longtime lead, Rene Zelt, is moving, but I am sure will return to bonspiel with her friends in the future.

Second, Lorna Todd, has finally won her first jacket with her sidekick Lorraine, so everybody went home happy in this group.

Members of the Doddridge rink, who never quit grinding, are Tanya Hammerstron at third, Shannon Knapp playing second and Brenda Bourassa anchoring the crew at lead.

I would be remiss if I did not mention the excellent showing of our Junior Girls rink who put a scare into every team they faced all weekend. Ably led by their skip Ashley Holyk, these young ladies proved they will be a force to be reckoned with in the future.

Hailey McNabb was at third, Chloe Mitchell tossed second stones and petite Rachel Sikiric sparkled at lead.

Wayne Venos is the 100 Mile Curling Club public relations director.

100 Mile House Free Press