The Barriere Curling Rink will also be dressed up in lights during the North Thompson Fall Fair’s Christmas At The Fair Drive Thru Light Show on Dec. 19 - 23, from 5 - 8 p.m. “Curling Rink members were able to get some decorating done last weekend in readiness for the light show,” said club president Susan Bondar, “We will have a sleigh in our design and are hoping to have it filled with food items for the Barriere Food Bank during the upcoming Fall Fair’s Drive Thru Light Display.” (BRS submitted photo)

Curlers wanted – Barriere Curling Rink open for business

Plenty of ice time available while making sure COVID-19 restrictions are being followed

Star/Journal Staff

Curlers are wanted!

The 2020 curling season has begun at the Barriere Curling Rink. Open Curling is at 1:00 p.m. every Wednesday and Mixed Curling takes place at 7 p.m. on Friday evenings. A Commercial league will be starting in January, but this still leaves many open days in which the facility could be used.

The Barriere Recreational Society is sending an invitation to the surrounding community to “make use of the facility”. Many volunteers have worked countless hours to ensure the building is maintained and operational, not only for the curling season but also for community events that take place during the off season.

“Curl BC has laid out Provincial guidelines that our society has put into place allowing curling to continue so people can enjoy curling and exercise while making sure COVID-19 restrictions and rules are followed and everyone remains safe,”says Curling club rep Susan Bondar.

“The Barriere Recreational Society would like to help facilitate greater use of the facility by the community such as, high school or elementary school leagues, a family league, or even a family Christmas bonspiel. Each rink could safely keep in their family bubble while they make some great holiday memories,”added Bondar, “The curling rink compressor ice plant runs 24/7 whether the ice is in use or not.”

She also notes that thanks to huge support from the Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society, Community Gaming Grants, Thompson Nicola Regional District and local businesses the building has been able to operate during COVID-19, offering Barriere and the surrounding communities a chance to participate in a recreational sport in a community where facilities are limited.

Bondar added, “Come and enjoy this valuable recreational resource and participate in a family experience.”

Interested parties can contact Susan Bondar at 250-672-5334.

The Barriere Curling Rink will also be dressed up in lights during the North Thompson Fall Fair’s Christmas Drive Thru Light Show on Dec. 19 – 23, from 5 – 8 p.m.

“Curling Rink members were able to get some decorating done last weekend in readiness for the light show,” said club president Susan Bondar, “We will have a sleigh in our design and are hoping to have it filled with food items for the Barriere Food Bank during the Fall Fair’s Drive Thru Light Display.”

Barriere Star Journal