Curling squads cash in

The top teams in Nanaimo Curling Club’s Cash League are rocking their way to piles of green.

Anderson Civil Engineering continues to lead the pack with seven wins and four losses, garnering $475 to date. Last week, the team, skipped by Kevin Weinreich, scored three in the eighth end to win 7-5. Skip Zorka Smith, of Wingren Floors, also led her team to a victory 7-5. Smith’s foursome stole two in the seventh end and ran Mid-Island out of rocks in the eighth.

VI Raiders won by a narrow 6-5 victory over Mack Truck and Team Waatainen defeated RBS Dominion Securities 8-3. Waatainen started the game with four points in the first and the fourth, while Dominion Securities stole one in the sixth.

AC Taxi, skipped by Garry Smith, won 5-2 over Georgiaview Health & Wellness and Team Pulak took control of the game against Teams Williams with a three point head start to win 7-2.

The Soap Exchange defeated Team Van Osch in a tight game that came down to the last rock.

The top contenders in the cash league are Anderson Civil Engineering, AC Taxi with $385; Georgiaview Health and Wellness, $375; Team Van Osch, $375 and Wingren Floors, $360.

Nanaimo News Bulletin