100 Mile House Wranglers (File photo)

100 Mile House Wranglers (File photo)

Cyclone Taylor Cup preparations well underway

With the Cyclone Taylor Cup being just over a month away (April 15 to 19) preparations have been in full swing.

With the Cyclone Taylor Cup being just over a month away (April 15 to 19) preparations have been in full swing.

“We’re still out there fundraising. All the hotels in town that we need are booked. Food’s set up. The catering will be done in the curling rink. We’ve got other events that are going to be running in town at the same time so folks, when they get here, will have something to do when they’re not watching hockey,” says Bruce Madu, one of the organizers.

Among other things, the Festival of the Arts will start its annual run, there will be a quilting show at the community hall and the Arts Council will be putting on arts and crafts fair, he says.

Maureen Pinkney, another organizer, says they’re really going to try and get the businesses to ramp up and paint the town in the yellow and blue Wranglers colours.

For the people who are coming from out of town, they’re going to get a card and when they go around to different businesses they can get a number and enter to win a basket of goodies, she says, adding that they’re really looking to make it an economic driver.

Just the four teams are 120 players and then factoring in parents and bigwigs coming, they’re expecting about 400 to 500 people, noting that they’ve sold 175 whole weekend packages already.

Tickets for the banquet on Wednesday night at the Community Hall (April 15) will be $60 each.

If any groups or organizations have anything going on Pinkney asks to let them know so they can direct people to their events.

“If there are any businesses having anniversary sales or some of the resorts, let us know and then we can post it on our website. These people are driving in for a four day whole weekend of adventure so we definitely want them to see the whole Cariboo and really get a feel of what 100 Mile and the area is like and then come back and visit us again when they fall in love with the place. The more that we can show on our website that’s happening in the area then the better visit people are going to have in the town.”

Spirits have been high within the organization and are getting higher, says Madu.

“We’re working on a video right now of the whole area to tie it in so it’ll also be going on the website and will also be shown between periods when the games are on.”

It is a real showcase of the South Cariboo with individuals who’ve been working on it but also the enthusiasm of the town and what’s here to see, says Pinkney.

“It’s a very good collection of items.”

They’re still working on raising money, there are no donations too small, and selling tickets, says Pinkney.

“We’re looking for anyone who wants to put a little ad in the brochure. There’s a gamebook that goes out with all the sponsors all the team information. It’s a real souvenir keepsake.”

Madu adds that Betty Lund has made and donated a quilt in the Wranglers colours that will be raffled off by donation.

“That’ll be drawn during the gold medal game.”

For more information, visit cyclonetaylorcup.ca or 100milewranglers.com


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