Rich D’Appolonia does sharp turns on the ice with club participants aged between 6-9.

Rich D’Appolonia does sharp turns on the ice with club participants aged between 6-9.

Dapps Hockey Challenge holds third year

The hockey school had on ice and off ice activities for club participants in the SEAPARC area

The Dapps Hockey Challenge held it’s third camp at the SEAPARC arena from Aug. 26-30.

The kids, aged between six to 12, participated in the camp, which is designed to teach children all they need to know about hockey.

“They’re just learning everything you need to be a hockey player and, most importantly, [they’re] having fun,” said camp founder, Rich D’Appolonia.

The kids covered a variety of different techniques like stick handling, puck control and power skating.

In addition to spending time on the ice, the kids participated in dry land activities like capture the flag, road hockey and ‘Man-tracker.’

After four days of working on skills and drills, the camp is wrapped up with a fun day, where the kids take a dip in the pool, hold scrimmage games and play a “huge crazy game of capture the flag.”

According to D’Appolonia, the camp has grown in size since it’s inception, from 16 kids the first year to now about 43.

“This is my third year doing it, and every year I get more kids,” D’Appolonia said, adding about 10 kids were turned away this year due to a lack of ice.

As a parent, D’Appolonia started up the camp to offer a more affordable hockey school for kids.


“It’s probably the cheapest camp on the Island,” he said. “I try to make it about the kids more, I’m not here to make a lot of money.” The camp costs $300 per child.



Sooke News Mirror