Darts season right around the corner

Darts season is fast approaching.

The Comox Valley Men’s Pub League Darts is holding their AGM Thursday, Sept. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Courtenay Legion.

Sign-up sheets are posted in the Comox Legion’s Navy room for the in-house Monday Night Men’s, Tuesday Night Mixed and Wednesday Night Ladies leagues.

Two open Tournaments will be held in September: the Courtenay Legion’s inaugural Men’s Open on Sept. 5 for singles and doubles as well as the Comox Legion’s Open Mixed Doubles Tournament  on Sept. 26 – watch for upcoming notices.

Pub Mixed and the Men’s Thursday Night leagues will be starting up in September. Contact members on your respective teams.

FMI, contact Dave at 250-339-9592 or dcwillington@gmail.com


– Comox Legion



Comox Valley Record