Dedicated Sparwood volunteers honoured

Dedicated Sparwood volunteers honoured

When Irene and David Endicott's names were called, a full house of curlers at the Sparwood Curling Club rose in a standing ovation.

When Irene and David Endicott’s names were called, a full house of curlers at the Sparwood Curling Club rose in a standing ovation.

On Thursday, October 24, mother and son received awards from Curl BC, in honour of their dedication to the sport and curling community.

Terry Vandale from Curl BC presented their awards, and commended them on their dedication.

She first presented the Judy Roberts Friendship Award, an honour given to someone who has performed exceptional service throughout B.C. and in curling. Irene Endicott, 89 years young, was the recipient of this award.

For the past 18 years, she has served as the volunteer bartender for the club. Anyone who has curled at the Sparwood Curling Club and stayed afterwards for a beverage, knows that you get your drink from ‘Mum’s Bar’.

“I do not remember a time coming here… where you haven’t been here,” said Vandale.

Irene’s son David was awarded the Pat Kennedy Long Service Volunteer Award for his many years of work with the Sparwood Curling Club.

Since 1993, David has served as president of the club but wears many other hats. From renting the ice to organizing events and coaching the junior curlers, there aren’t many things David doesn’t do.

“I just want to thank a few people, for sure, particularly my wife who has supported me for 25 years,” said David.

The club president also thanked CurlBC, and noted how amazing it was to win an award like this, alongside his mother, in the same year.

“I think it’s in the club that we have a spirit of volunteering, and it’s in a lot of us here,” David said, looking around the room. “That’s the only thing that’s kept me going for these 25 years.”

A toast was made to all the volunteers in the club, to their successes over the past 25 years, and to another 25 years of success.

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