Twins Adam Renneberg (left) and Brady Renneberg (right) sign commitments for baseball scholarships at NCAA college in Missouri, U.S.A. (Photo: Mackenzie Britton - Capital News)

Twins Adam Renneberg (left) and Brady Renneberg (right) sign commitments for baseball scholarships at NCAA college in Missouri, U.S.A. (Photo: Mackenzie Britton - Capital News)

Double vision: Baseballing Kelowna twins eye next level in U.S.

The Renneberg twins recently signed scholarships to Mineral Area College in Missouri, U.S.

  • Dec. 20, 2019 12:00 a.m.

You’re not seeing double, you’re seeing the next pair of baseball talents to come out of the Okanagan.

Twins Adam and Brady Renneberg recently committed to Mineral Area Community College in Missouri, a division one team of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA).

In 2020, they’ll start with their new team and thankfully wear different numbers on their jerseys so fans will be able to tell them apart.

The Kelowna twins are 17 years old and coming off an impressive season with the Kelowna Sun Devils, a local college prep team.

Though they have one more season to go with the Sun Devils before the 2020 school year starts, the twins are happy to get this decision finalized so they can simply focus on their play.

“This is something that I’ve always dreamed of,” said Adam.

“It relieves the stress off my shoulders of finding a team to play for next season. Now it’s time to work hard and get better.

“I’m just looking forward to going to school and playing baseball.”

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Adam is about two inches taller than Brady, which barely helps tell them apart as both players are solid pitchers and play with a similar style, while also showing off their talents at other positions on the diamond— Adam doubles as a catcher and Brady likes third base.

The Mineral Area Cardinals play in the NCJAA and offer two-year educations to players looking to move forward into the NCAA or to the pros.

Last season, the Cardinals missed the playoffs after finishing the year 36-20. Among the 221 schools in the league, Mineral Area finished third in stolen bases.

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Transitions for student athletes are tough on every level, but the Renneberg twins are happy that they’re taking the next challenge in their careers together.

“It’s going to be good to have someone down there that I know so well,” said Brady.

“It’ll be kind of a nice helper to have someone who I’m already friends with. It’s a nice bonus.”

The twins, their family and friends as well as Sun Devils coach Derek McPherson celebrated a ceremonial contract signing in early December to recognize the big steps the twins have taken while playing in Kelowna.

McPherson said the two will be ready for the competitiveness of college level baseball.

“It’s rewarding, I’m proud of them and they’re a great representation of what (the Sun Devils) program and culture is about,” he said.

“They busted their butts last year and now they (can) kind of relax now they know where they’re playing and can continue to work towards next year and get better.”

The jump in the expected level of play next year hasn’t been lost on the Renneberg twins.

They, just like their physical traits and mannerisms, mirror each other on their appreciation of the Sun Devils’ program.

“It’s helped me a lot. Working through everything the past five, six years (with Kelowna) has developed me into the player I am today,” said Brady.

“I feel like I’m prepared for this after playing in Kelowna, and now I’ve given myself the opportunity to go where I want to go,” said Adam.

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The two talents will spend next season, expected to start in April, honing their talents, training and preparing.

Their dedication, love and experience will be useful to the next year’s Sun Devils’ roster.

McPherson said that this isn’t the last of Okanagan talent to be recognized and given opportunities.

“There’s good baseball players in Kelowna, there’s no question.”

Their coach believes that the Renneberg twins’ success will help boost the talent perception of both the Sun Devils’ program and Okanagan players to schools in Canada and the U.S.

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