

Drive for show and putt for dough

Wow! Time is certainly flying by. Just finished our sixth week of Ladies' Golf. I hate to see it go by so fast because winter lasts a long time. We still had an excellent turnout on June 9 of 27 ladies despite Mother Nature tossing rain our way. We did manage to play our whole round without getting wet but some of the other ladies weren't quite so lucky.

  • Jun. 19, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Wow! Time is certainly flying by. Just finished our sixth week of Ladies’ Golf. I hate to see it go by so fast because winter lasts a long time. We still had an excellent turnout on June 9 of 27 ladies despite Mother Nature tossing rain our way. We did manage to play our whole round without getting wet but some of the other ladies weren’t quite so lucky.

Once again the ladies had a hard time hitting the green on 4 and 6 with their first shot so some of our sponsors moved over to the Low Gross/Net prizes. Thanks to MJB Lawyers, Stamer Logging, Hub International and the Carls. Low gross in Flight 1 went to Janice Advent (43) and low net went to Brenda Oakland by retro (46/35) In Flight 2 Terry Blaeser had now gross by retro (49) while Debbie Rainer had low net (49/32.5). The Flight 3 winners were Babes Shanko (gross – 54) and Evelyn Lucas (net – 55/35.5). Low gross in Flight 4 was Cheryl Tenzer (63) with Betty Foote scoring 64 for second low gross.

The only pot picker upper was Janice Advent with a birdie. Least putt went to Terry Blaeser with 14 and most putts went to Deb Winiski with 25. Our hole-in-one pot is still intact and the sponsors (Barriere Auto Parts, Alpine Meadows Resort and Bob Stirling) are still waiting with their prizes.

The saying is “Drive for show and putt for dough” but this week seemed to be the week of the drivers. Hole 1 and 2 were the place for a long drive in two. Winners were Janice Advent (Gift ‘n Gab), Lorie Chambers (Rainer Custom Cutting) and Cheryl Tenzer (Sam’s Pizza). Hole 5 long drive winners were Karen Peterson (Thompson Valley Awards), Cathy Paul (AG Foods) and Doreen Landry (Armour Mountain Office Supplies). KP winners were Janice Advent (Royal LePage/Cindy Leibel), Anita Hill (Salle Ranch), Brenda Oakland (The Smiths) and Evelyn Lucas (Campbell & Co). KP in 2 prizes went to Cheryl Tenzer (EBL Ventures) and Cindy Leibel (Quality Contactors). Long Putts were made by Evelyn Lucas (Station House Restaurant), Leanna Layton (Barriere Timber Mart) and Evelyn Lucas (Bear Lane Bistro & Boutique).

My golf game showed a very slight improvement but is still all over the place. Despite that, Tuesday night was great fun as many of my friends helped me celebrate my birthday. As I said at the beginning “Time is certainly flying by”.

See you at the golf course.

Barriere Star Journal