Drop-in soccer for youth and adults at Grand Forks Secondary School field

A drop-in soccer league has started up for the summer at the Grand Forks Secondary School field.

A drop-in soccer league has started up for the summer at the Grand Forks Secondary School field.

Organizer Tim Carson hopes to draw in enough people into the league to eventually enter tournaments.

“We tried to get into (a) Kamloops tournament in June but it was a bit of a short notice,” he said, though there was a lot of interest.

There are enough players for two nights a week, with around 18 people showing up for practices.

“Everybody’s learning quickly about positioning and what not because we have a lot of beginners playing as well,” said Carson. “It works out pretty well – we had a 50-50 mix for boys and girls and it was a fantastic game.”

Carson decided to start the league up after helping the high school’s soccer team last year and fell in love with the sport again. He used to play in the boy’s team during his high school years in Grand Forks and feels that it’s a good community event.

He also pointed out that there aren’t many community adult sports in Grand Forks aside from baseball.

“I thought, why not, all these kids want to keep playing, so we started up at the end of March and beginning of April,” he recalled. “We started playing outside on Sundays, but now we’re playing Sundays and Mondays for the summer.”

There is no registration required and it is free for anyone to drop in and play, though Carson hopes to get a contact list started.

‘I’m hoping to go right through fall and if we get enough interest, I would love to go right through winter if we can get a good time in the gym to turn it indoor,” he said. “Indoor is quicker and helps to develop skills. If we can do that, next year when we get to play in tournaments, watch out!”

The soccer league welcomes everyone 13 years and older, male or female.

Games are held on at 7 p.m. at the Grand Forks Secondary School field.

Grand Forks Gazette