James Durand

James Durand

DURAND: Chasing Speed

It's been a while since I have ridden dedicated down hill, and even longer since I've been in race mode where every second counts.

It’s been a while since I have ridden dedicated down hill, and even longer since I’ve been in race mode where every second counts.

Sure, there are lots of short descents on my regular trails and I make the best of them. I have been up Forbidden Plateau a couple of times this year and enjoyed some longer descents as well, but hitting lap after lap of DH has become a bit foreign to me these days.

But, this year I’ve committed to riding Mount Washington’s bike park more often. You’d think it would be “just like riding a bike,” where jumping skills, high speed cornering, and flying off 10 foot drops would be as easy as it was all those years ago.

Nope, it’s actually been tough. I am still having fun, but every time I slow down in a berm, chicken out on a drop, or case a jump, I get more frustrated.

I know, I’m older, more fragile and I’m way out of practice, so this is all normal, right? Well, somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m not ready to concede yet.

Last weekend a buddy of mine was visiting the Island. He’s a pro rider and has as much skill and style as anyone, and he’s fast.

I headed to Mount Washington on Sunday and there he was. “Hey James, lets ride a couple of laps” he said.

“I’ll start with you and then meet you at the bottom if you don’t mind waiting” was my reply. There was no way I would be able to hold his pace.

We started off on one of the flowy jump trails. The one that was causing me the most frustration.

As he picked up speed in the berms, hit the first couple of drops and approached the jumps, the racer in me woke up, and I wasn’t willing to let him drop me without a fight.

Despite any fears, or should I say many fears, I had let go of my brakes, was charging into the berms and clearing the jumps smoothly. I wasn’t thinking about consequences, I was just concentrating on keeping him in sight.

I’m not sure if I was chasing Wade, or chasing my ego, but either way, I had the best day on my bike in many a year. I can’t wait to get back up there.

I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’

Campbell River Mirror