Eagles get hot at right time

Eagles get hot at right time

Langley bantam hockey team will now compete at the BC Hockey provincial championships

Sometimes all you need is a spot in the post-season dance.

That is what the Langley bantam A2 Eagles proved and thanks to some clutch play when the games mattered most, they will be skating at the upcoming provincial championships.

Seeded fourth for the Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association’s final four bantam tier 2 playoffs, the Eagles emerged victorious thanks to a pair of victories and one tie in their three games.

“The boys worked so hard and have come so far,” said Langley head coach Jim Carter. “The team should be very proud of themselves for all that they achieved this weekend.”

Langley began the playoffs with a stunning upset, doubling up Port Moody A1, the top seed, by a 4-2 score.

That was followed by a goal late in regulation for a 5-4 win over Hollyburn A1. And the Eagles secured the banner with a 1-1 tie against North Delta A1.

By winning the PCAHA banner, Langley earned the right to represent the region at the BC Hockey provincial championships, which run March 17 to 22 in West Vancouver.

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