The EKVC U16 Avalanche boys. Back left to right: Ryley Ducharme, Sheldon Thomas, Jordan Simpson, Graydon Dawson, Cole Dillabough Front left to right: Zack van der Velden, Hunter Lee, Coach Troy McFadzen, Riley Byman, Aidan Peters, Tristan van der Velden.

The EKVC U16 Avalanche boys. Back left to right: Ryley Ducharme, Sheldon Thomas, Jordan Simpson, Graydon Dawson, Cole Dillabough Front left to right: Zack van der Velden, Hunter Lee, Coach Troy McFadzen, Riley Byman, Aidan Peters, Tristan van der Velden.

East Kootenay Avalanche boys win big

The East Kootenay Volleyball Club’s U16 Avalanche boys had a big weekend, winning a tournament in Alberta.

For the Townsman

The East Kootenay Volleyball Club’s U16 Avalanche boys had a big weekend, winning a tournament in Alberta.

Ranked last in division B heading into the Premier Two tournament in Innisfail, AB, The Avs had a tough road to the finals.

Unable to travel to the Premier One tournament due to Cranbrook’s infamous snowfall in February, the team’s first goal in Innisfail was to win their pool, which they accomplished with four straight victories.

Their second goal was to place in the top three in the tournament to move into division A.

After defeating the number one seed from Saint Albert in the semi-finals, the Avs were guaranteed that position.

Their final goal was to win and bring home the gold, which they accomplished thanks to an overall record was 7-0 and not giving up a single set.

The team had contributions from all 10 players with a very balanced offence, consistent defence, and great passing.

The boys will travel to Edmonton for their Premier Three tournament on April 1 and 2 and then they will be off to provincials at the end of April in Edmonton and finally Nationals May 19-21 in Calgary.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman