The winners of this year's Glacier Greens Shoot-Out were (left to right): low gross Jeff Edwards and Bob Edwards; low net Len Doyle and Wayne Wood.

The winners of this year's Glacier Greens Shoot-Out were (left to right): low gross Jeff Edwards and Bob Edwards; low net Len Doyle and Wayne Wood.

Edwards win their sixth Glacier Greens Shoot-Out

In what has become a family tradition, the father and son team of Bob and Jeff Edwards won their sixth Glacier Greens Men’s Club Shootout in the 21-year history of the tournament.

Saturday, May 14 was the final day of this year’s three-weekend Shoot-Out. The format was the challenging alternate shot, and it did prove challenging for many. After the last putt had dropped and the scores tallied, the Edwards were the winners with a gross total of 209.

In second place at 210 was the team of Rob Borland and Steve Peters. Another father and son team, Mike and Terran Berger, were third with 211. Next at 212 was Dave Brooker and Doug McArthur and rounding out the top five was Steve Blacklock and Fabian McCarty at 215.

On the net side with a wire-to-wire finish was the team of Len Doyle and Wayne Wood and a three-day total of 167. Second place went to Norm Fellbaum and Pat Renaud with 174.5.

Dave Buckly-Jones and Wayne Ogilvie along with Wayne Hay and Nick Stolarchuck were tied for third with 175. In fifth place was Paul Arsenault and Steve Ellis at 176.5.

The participants were treated to a fine lunch prepared by our own Ben Gill and his staff and had a visit to a well-stocked prize table. The Saturday Men’s committee and all the participants thank the following sponsors who helped make this tournament possible: Scott Fraser of Royal LePage, Gary Wiebe of Boston Pizza, Bill Girard of Canadian Western Bank, Scott Smith of Cobra Golf, Bill Kelly of Bill Kelly Golf, Gill’s Catering, Quality Foods, Chances Casino, John’s Independent Grocery and Home Depot.

Bill Kelly held a “Bet Your Shirt” contest on #15 – hit the green and stay and get the selected item for half price. A large thank you to Keith Gibson of the Investors Group who sponsored a $5,000 hole-in-one contest, also on #15. Unfortunately that illusive ace was not to be found.


Comox Valley Record