Elementary school touch football league added for girls

As an experiment this year, a touch football league was offered for bantam (born 2000-01) girls’ teams.

Two weeks ago in this space we passed along results from the past season of bantam touch football in our local elementary schools.

That was only half the story. In the past, while the boys competed in football, girls took part in an inter-school soccer league. As an experiment this year, a touch football league was also offered for bantam (born 2000-01) girls’ teams.

Annette Noble was the coordinator of the new league, and she sends word that the first season of girls’ football was quite successful.

A total of 12 teams took part. Following league play, playoffs were held in both groups. In the small schools division, an exciting playoff final required overtime to determine a winner. Final score was 14-7, with the girls from Davis Road Elementary getting past those from Gabriola Island. Players on the championship team from Davis Road were Meghan Alsop, Mary Nicolls, Ava Wilson, Maia O’Donnell, Katie Dodd, Ella Van Horne, Aaliyah Ward, Reese Beadall, Sarah Gabrielson, Kyah Albion, Sydney Ennis, and Jada Livingston.

For the runner-up squad were players Miho Carlson, Sadie Gambrill, Anais Smith, Cassie Carmichael, Hannah Noseda, Izzy Macklin, Jacklin Buckingham, Lily Carmichael, Sadie Warr, Jemma Chadwick, Devon Burroughs, Kendra Buckingham and Tess Hamilton.

In the larger schools division, girls’ football playoffs resulted in a championship for Mountain View Elementary. Playing for their school were Taya Kirk, Kianne Nowicki, Sara Marshall, Keme Snaydon, McKenzie Guild, Nicole Wilson, Jayden Saywell, Ava Johnson, Amanda Merner, Hannah Baggott, Hannah Proud, Ashley Thayer, Abbi Chappell, Autumn Fraser, Carmen Doumont, Arielle Dupuis, Emily Epps, Megan Poteryko, Amanda Campbell, Celia Leaf, Mia Bond, Paige Brandback, Holly Fulton, and Danielle Norman.

Representing Cinnabar Valley were Arielle Assaf, Maya Dean, Josie Holt, Perrin Burden, Kaitlyn Watson, Lunden Bekkers, Autumn Voysey, Shania Thompson, Taylor Gallant, Emmy Bateman, Emma Walsh and Robyn Boar.

Whatever your sport, a reminder in closing to play your hardest, play fair, and show good sportsmanship.

Nanaimo News Bulletin