Equestrians saddle up for Summer Games

Two local equestrians are off to the Surrey 2012 BC Summer Games

Andrea Dobbs will compete in dressage at the Summer Games.

Andrea Dobbs will compete in dressage at the Summer Games.

As the Surrey 2012 BC Summer Games draw nearer, excitement grows for young equestrians, Andrea Dobbs and Tristi Allwood.

The South Cariboo pair has qualified to compete in the games, slated for July 19-22.

This will be the first time to compete at the event for 17-year-old Dobbs, who rides a Hanoverian named Nick. She still can’t believe she qualified.

“I’m totally stoked. I didn’t really expect to do it, but I’m feeling that I’m ready for this.”

Dobbs made the Zone 8 Cariboo-North East team by turning in dressage scores of over 60 per cent at two qualifier shows held earlier this year in Prince George. Before competing in dressage at the Games, she will have a chance to get in some extra practice and settle her nerves as a competitor at the BC Heritage Circuit Finals in Maple Ridge, July 6-8. for which she also qualified.

Allwood, 14, is also heading off for Summer Games for the first time, and also as a dressage event competitor. She qualified riding two different horses, her own nine-year-old mixed breed horse, Louie, and a 10-year-old Oldenburg named, Hero, owned by her riding coach. After some careful thought, she’s chosen to take Hero.

It was her goal to qualify for Summer Games this year and she’s both nervous and excited, says her mom Teressa Allwood.

“She rides every day at her coach’s barn. She’s dedicated.”

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