James Durand

James Durand

Every kid deserves a bike

'I only remember two Christmas gifts from my entire childhood, and they were both bikes'

I talk to a lot of people who have very distinct memories of Christmases past when they came down the stairs to see a bike under the tree.

I ask about other gifts during their youth and there is very little recollection, but the bike always stands out.

I am the same way. I only remember two Christmas gifts from my entire childhood, and they were both bikes. I was a lucky kid in that my family never fell on hard times, but it could have easily happened and then what, no bike…ever. All that fun, all that exercise, all that freedom gone from my life. I hate to imagine it, but many kids are in that exact position and may never get a bike. Sadly we can’t do much about it on a global level, but we can do lots about it right here in our own community. So with your help, we do.

Since 2010 we have accepted, refurbished and passed along over 200 bikes to kids who may not have had the opportunity to ride otherwise. Whether it’s run bikes for the toddlers learning to ride, BMX bikes to get a kid started at the skate park, or adult sized bikes for a teenager’s main mode of transportation, these bikes have gone to deserving kids right here in Campbell River each of the last six Christmas holidays.

None of this could have ever happened without the community involvement and all of your used bike donations over the last six years, you’ve been amazing!

So Christmas is right around the corner and we are getting ramped up to take the “Bikes for Kids” program to the next level this year.

We will be accepting donations of your previously-loved bikes from now until Dec. 2. Just drop them by Swicked Cycles during our open hours and we’ll get them safe, working great and as shiny as possible before they head out to deserving kids.

This year we are also trying to include a new helmet with each bike, so if you don’t have a bike to donate but still want to help out, we will be accepting cash donations to go towards new helmets for every kid who gets a bike.

Help us make some kids smile this Christmas!

I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’

Campbell River Mirror