Mt. Timothy Recreation Resort is slated to open this Friday, Dec. 18, for the season. (Angie Mindus photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Excitement mounts for opening day at Mt. Timothy Recreation Resort

The local ski hill serves the Cariboo region

With snow in the forecast and staff working hard at the hill, Mt. Timothy Recreation Resort is set to open this Friday, Dec. 18, 2020.

“We are excited to see everyone, absolutely,” said manager Launna Bell, noting the team of owners and staff have been busy getting ready for opening day. “I can’t even sleep at night.”

This season will be the first year customers will be directed to the refurbished day lodge at the bottom of the hill where they will find ticket sales, rentals and first aid. There will also be a small area to warm up in the new building, though everyone is encouraged not to linger due to limited capacity surrounding COVID-19 restrictions.

Also due to COVID-19 there won’t be lockers or cubbies available for personal belongings, and everyone is asked to get their gear on at their vehicles and keep any food there as well.

What there will be available, though, is a mid-mountain base of 85 cm and counting as well as a fully licensed restaurant in the former day lodge called The Yeti Café. Bell said the Yeti Café, which has undergone extensive kitchen renovations in recent years, will offer a sit down or take out menu, as well as grab and go food.

READ MORE: Mt. Timothy nearing opening date; owners excited for upcoming season

For opening day skiers and snowboarders can expect all the green runs and most of the blue runs to be groomed, while a little more snow is still needed for the black runs.

Both the upper and lower magic carpets will run this year, as well as the triple chair. The T-bar will not be in use.

Bell said the tube park is not yet open, while they await new equipment, however, they are hoping it will be ready before the end of the holiday season.

Starting Friday, Mt. Timothy will be open every day except Christmas Day until Sunday, Jan. 3.

Lifts start at 9 a.m. and go until 3:15 p.m. daily.

Long-term plans for the hill include more cabins for year-round rentals, which could even see the hill being opened on Christmas Day in the years to come.

Bell noted snowmobilers are also welcome at the hill, which is a destination on the Gold Rush Trail.

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Williams Lake Tribune