Russ Morrison of the Clearwater Hosers oldtimers hockey team takes a much needed break on the bench at a recent game. Photo by K.A.Pendergast

Russ Morrison of the Clearwater Hosers oldtimers hockey team takes a much needed break on the bench at a recent game. Photo by K.A.Pendergast

Featured player of the week

Russ Morrison, number 4 on the Clearwater Hosers oldtimers team

By K.A.Pendergast

This week’s featured player of the week is Russ Morrison, number 4 on the Clearwater Hosers oldtimers team. Morrison is 71-years-old and has been playing hockey for 66 of those years.

He is a retired RCMP officer who served for 38 years and in this area for many of them.

He said, “I have found over the years that you enjoy a game more if you pass and work together to set up goals rather than just being out there for yourself.”

Morrison likes the camaraderie that hockey brings especially with this kind of team. He also looks forward to that workout that you get physically when you play. His favorite NHL team is the Canucks.

Read More: Another busy weekend at the Sportsplex

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