Fernie Ghostriders host hockey camp for youth players

The Fernie Ghostrider hockey camp camp is open to young players between the novice and peewee age levels

For the second year in a row, some of the Ghostriders coaching staff ventured into the arena a week earlier than normal to host the Ghostriders hockey camp. The camp is open to young players between the novice and peewee age levels, and according to Ghostrider head coach Craig Mohr, it was more popular than last year.

“Numbers are great,” he told The Free Press, “We have 44 kids and this is our second year. We have many more than last year. It’s awesome.”

The camp runs in two sections, with the younger group hitting the ice at 12 p.m. and the older kids on the ice around 3:30 p.m. They do a variety of drills and exercises, both on the ice and off, to get themselves ready for the upcoming season.

There are five coaches on the ice, including Pascal Morency, Ghostriders Kyle Haugo, Justin Peers and Evan Traverse and former Ghostriders Jeff Rayman and Randy Teeple.

“We’ve got some great young talent. We really do. It’s great for the town. Numbers are really good at the young ages,” said Mohr.

The camp operated between Aug. 8 and 12 and Mohr said he is happy with how the kids have progressed throughout the week.

As for the Ghostriders themselves, their training camp is set for Aug. 26 to 28, and their first exhibition game is Aug. 30 in Columbia Valley.

The Free Press