Fernie track and field athlete is excited for the BC Summer Games

Lindsay Weech, 14, took a break from training to sit down with The Free Press for a Q and A

The BC Summer Games will take place in Surrey July 19 to 22. The Kootenay region team will send 10 athletes in 5 different sports.

Lindsay Weech, 14, of Fernie will compete in track and field at the games. The grade 8 student at Fernie Secondary School will participate in the 800 metre race, the four by 400 metre relay race and the 1500 metre steeplechase. The Free Press recently sat down with Weech for a Q and A.

Q: How did you get involved with the BC Summer Games

A: One of my friends told me that they were having a tryout for track.  I couldn’t make it to the tryout because I was at this big soccer tournament. I asked (Paul) Chow, one of my teachers who is training the East Kootenay track and field athletes if there is a spot for me and if I could go. They found a spot for me in some races, and that’s how I got it.

Q: What are you feeling heading into the games. Are you excited? Are you nervous?

A:  I’m kind of both. It is super exciting to go. I get to meet a bunch of new people. I’m also nervous because you don’t know what is going to happen.

Q: Have you been doing a lot of training for the games?

A: Oh yes, a lot. I’ve been training with Paul Chow and two other girls from Jaffray (Robyn Anderson and Samantha Scheller) and we run the track around 8:30 in the morning. We also run hills. Some days we’ll just practice hurdles. It is really hard training but it just gets you better. We train three times a week.

Q: How long have you been running track?

A: I’ve probably been running since I was in grade one. I ran cross country  and track in elementary school. Once I got into high school I started running track there.

Q: How do you think you’ll do at the summer games?

A: I don’t know. I’ve trained and other girls have trained. We are just going to have to wait and see.

Q: Which event at the games is your strongest?

A: I would say the 1500 metre steeplechase. I’m way better at long distances than I am at short.

Q: Do you plan and sticking with track as you get older?

A: Ya. I really love running. I feel free when I’m running. I also play hockey, which is my main sport, but running is a very close second.

Q: What is it about running that allows you to feel free?

A: The air brushing your face. The momentum you get when you get going. No matter how hot it is, you’re just going and it feels great and you’re just giving it your all.

Q: Tell me about your hockey playing?

A: Well, I went to the BC Winter Games for hockey. I’ve been doing it all my life. I think I can go far in hockey.

Q: What are your goals in hockey?

A: I want to play hockey in university and get a bunch of scholarships. I also want to play in the Olympics.

Q: Do you have a favourite hockey player?

A:  Sydney Crosby. I love how he sees the ice and how he plays the game. I think he’s an overall whole package for a hockey player.

Q: In your mind, what would be a success at the games?

A: If I did my best and I felt like I did all that I could. No matter what I place I’ll be happy. I’m going for the experience. It’s not like I’m thinking, “I’m going to win this race and if I don’t I’m going to be upset.” Instead I’m just going for the experience and whatever I place, I place and I’ll be happy.

Q: What does it mean to you to have Paul Chow volunteering his time to help the track and field team train?

A: It is really cool because you could pay a lot of money to get a trainer. Chow does is for free and he does because he loves sports and he loves athletic kids. He’s just there for you and he pushes you to be your best. Sometimes when you train on your own you think, “Oh, I’m not going to try hard this round.” Chow tells us to push ourselves and to try hard and he’ll run with you. He’s awesome. I couldn’t ask for a better coach. He’s really helped me get better.

The Free Press