FHL – Paperback Writer

Roller coasters and broken streaks on the ice as Builders take on BCS and the Bears skate against

The Builders streak of seven consecutive victories that saw them go from worst to first may have been fun while it lasted, but all good things come to an end and that is precisely what BCS accomplished in a 5-3 win.

With Mikes at both ends standing on their heads, it came down to who wanted it the most and Blue Collar was the winner in that category. Having the finest game in his FHL career was Rod (Albert, Albert) Albers who opened up the scoring and also assisted on a pair of beauties by Jason (Junior) Johnson.

Doing his best Drew Carey impersonation was Wade Price (Is Right) who won the showcase showdown with his first of the season. Scoring the winner thanks to a slick series of moves by (The Comet) was Budd (Crash) Carter who put the biscuit in the basket faster than a Budweiser at a Roo’s game.

Replying for the not so SerinityFraser River. Builder Boys was Todd (Bertuzzi) Gryschuk with a pair who continues to prove that he’s not just a pretty face and Kevin (Dineen) Pethick who scored his second of the season with a heavy shot post and in.

The other contest was a classic roller coaster ride without the Gravol as the two teams took turns coughing up leads with bizarre plays all over the rink.

Cashing in on Bears slooooowww start was Grant (Plants’ Johannesen who potted a pair to give him a total of 119 in an honest career. Scoring his first of the season was GM’s Marc (The Magician) Boudreau who also set-up his brother from a different mother Glen (Garbage Goal) Boudreau’s first of 2 tallies. Somehow down three early warmed up Bears frozen feet and the comeback began with Ian (Heartbreaker) Hannah and then Brody (Backdoor) Neighbour scoring from behind the goal line. By the time George (Ironman) Ryan lit the lamp twice and Chris (Haymitch) Hayman squirted in his first of the year, Bear was up 6-5.

Shrugging off the deficit with ease was (Garbage Goal) with his second and Colin (Kamikaze) Keis who converted a pass from Kevin (Fly like a butterfly) Hesslegrave to give the Builders the lead once more.

But, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going and with just over a minute remaining, Bear’s Doug (Big) Mack fought off two defenders and rifled a howitzer upstairs to push the game to extra time. That is when the legend continued to expand as Doug (Biggest) Mack scored the shoot-out winner on a rather feeble effort than slipped over the line to make the final 8-7 Bear.

This week in Season eight (2001) In Gold’s 6-5 win over Red, Allan (Mats) Johnsrude continued his feisty play with a pair of goals and assists as Brent (Ashley’s Dad) Carter scored goals for both of his daughters and (Great) Scott Gamache lowered his GAA for the second straight week.

Steve Dodge is a defensive winger with Bear Communications and an Observer contributor.


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