Players teed off between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to compete in the tournament. Photo: Nakusp Centennial Golf Club

Players teed off between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to compete in the tournament. Photo: Nakusp Centennial Golf Club

Fifty-five golfers compete in Nakusp Centennial Golf Club championship

Golfers teed off in groups of four last Saturday in the club's biggest tournament of the year

  • Jul. 28, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Fifty-five golfers braved the hot temperatures on Saturday, July 25, to participate in the Nakusp Centennial Golf Club championship.

Golfers teed off in groups of four between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to compete in the club’s biggest tournament of the year.

Golf club employee Isaac Flamand said the game looked a little different this year with COVID-19.

“The flagsticks weren’t allowed to be taken out. We had a pool noodle inside each hole so when players sunk their putt, the ball only went in an inch and could easily be retrieved,” said Flamand.

“We also didn’t allow rakes on the course. We saved grooming the bunkers until the day after the tournament.”

As the day went on, a handful of golfers emerged victorious from their respective categories.

For the male golfers, Lucas Robins won in the junior boy’s category, Logan Marchischuk won in the men’s category, Clark Dennill won in the senior men’s category and Merv Exner won in the super senior men’s category.

For the female golfers, Elaine Rogers won in the ladies category while Linda Henke won in the senior ladies category.

Nakusp resident Logan Marchischuk took home the club champion title in the tournament.

A long drive competition, a closest to the pin shot and longest put contest were other fun things that took place during the tournament.

At the end of the day, golfers from the same household ate dinner together at 5 p.m. in the clubhouse to mitigate the threat of COVID-19.

Prizes from local businesses were also handed out for the two golfers with the best scores from each category in the tournament.

“It felt really good to have this event go on during COVID-19,” said Flamand.

“It was also great to see all of our members get out and play a match.”

READ MORE: Nakusp Golf Course hosts Ryder Cup

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