Finish overshadows disappointment

The Pen High Lakers Grade 9 girls basketball team fell two points shy of playing for a provincial championship in Kelowna over the weekend.

KALLI DOELL charges towards the KLO basket during the Grade 9 provincial basketball tournament. Doell earned defensive player of the tournament.

KALLI DOELL charges towards the KLO basket during the Grade 9 provincial basketball tournament. Doell earned defensive player of the tournament.

The Pen High Lakers Grade 9 girls basketball team fell two points shy of playing for a provincial championship in Kelowna over the weekend.

The Lakers, who finished third, were edged 40-39 by the St. Thomas Aquinas in the provincial championship semifinal. Kalli Doell led the Lakers with 10 points, while Jennifer Hayman and Kayley Davies chipped in seven and six points, respectively. Doell was named the player of the game.

“This was just an unbelievable game — fast paced and physical,” said Lakers coach Chris Terris. “It came down to the last seconds to go to a provincial final and we just missed it. The girls played with so much energy and determination. We needed one more bounce and didn’t get it. It was absolutely heartbreaking.”

The Lakers opened the championship with a 62-21 win over Collingwood. Kali Loewen led with nine points while Liev Elder, Emma Terris, Hayman and Davies all chipped in eight points. In their second match against Lord Bying, they came out on top 58-25. Loewen led with 12 points., Hayman added 11 points and Elder 10. In their fourth and final game, the Lakers defeated KLO, who they defeated for the Okanagan Valley championship the previous weekend, 36-30.

“This game was a true team effort where most shifts were two to three minutes with each kid finding a way to contribute,” said co-coach Russ Reid. “The girls could have allowed the disappointment of that defeat to determine their effort in this game, however, they found the energy and effort to put together their fourth consecutive solid game.”

Doell was named defensive player of the tournament. Hayman was named a first-team all-star.

“Kalli was an absolute force defensively all week, and she has been all year,” said Terris. “All season, Jennifer has been one of our most consistent players at both ends of the court. She leads with her effort every game.”

Penticton Western News