Fish & Game Club banquet a sellout

North Thompson Fish and Game Club banquet a sellout

NT Fish and Game Club treasurer Kathy Campbell fills up huge trays with appetizers  of smoked salmon, elk, moose, and bear sausage during the North Thompson Fish and Game Club’s annual Dinner and Dance on, Mar. 24.

NT Fish and Game Club treasurer Kathy Campbell fills up huge trays with appetizers of smoked salmon, elk, moose, and bear sausage during the North Thompson Fish and Game Club’s annual Dinner and Dance on, Mar. 24.

The North Thompson Fish and Game Club (NTFGC) held their third annual Game Dinner and Dance at the Barriere Lion’s Hall on March 24.  The event was a sellout.

All 150 tickets were pre-sold well in advance due to the popularity of the event, leaving many  area residents scrabbling to find the odd ticket here or there that  they could purchase.

The NTFGC was started when a number of friends decided to hold a meeting, and invited their friends to attend. The first meeting was held in January of 2009 and since that time the Club, now a registered Society, has enjoyed a success story that boasts a large membership with plenty of enthusiasm.

The annual dinner and dance is a prime fundraiser for the group, and this year’s event was no exception with just under 50 sponsors supporting the dinner and the silent auction that accompanied it.

Grand chef for the evening meal was Bob Sorensen, who prepared and served up a scrumptious selection of halibut, salmon, elk, moose, quail, bear, pork, and beef.  Accompanying the meal was a wide selection of salads, vegetable lasagna, mashed potatoes, gravy, and Yorkshire pudding; and all topped off with sweet treats for dessert.

Door prizes were given out, and several members of the Upper North Thompson Cadet Corp. provided cheerful cleanup duty after the meal.  NTFGC members Harley Wright, Cliff Cave, and Rob Wittner were thanked for their contributions on KP duty.

Region three president for the British Columbia Wildlife Federation, Mel Arnold, was guest speaker for the evening, and gave the attendees a brief overview of what was happening within the region.

The tables were then moved back and the dance got underway to the music of the popular Fender Benders;  a band who draw their own following wherever they play.

In all, the evening was a resounding success, and club members are already talking about the next Game Dinner and Dance in 2013.

More information about the North Thompson Fish and Game Club can be obtained by calling Mel Schmidt at 250-672-1843, or Kathy Campbell at 250-672-5890.

NTFGC meetings are held once a month from September to June, with two months off for the summer.  The NTFGC also holds clay pigeon shoots, a fishing derby, barbecues, and numerous other events and projects.



Barriere Star Journal