Langley4Langley, a fundraiser aiming to get people up, outside, and moving, is back for second year. (Special to The Star)

Food bank fundraiser Langley4Langley back for second year

Summer-long event encourages people to run, walk, and get active while doing some good

Langley4Langley, a fundraiser aiming to get residents moving for a good cause, is back for a second year.

Founder Tony Markin said the principals are the same, but funds raised will be going to Langley Sources Food Bank.

“The entry fee is $30 and 100 per cent of that goes right to the food bank as soon as you register,” he said, noting people have the option to donate more if they wish.

From then on, starting July 16 to the end of August, people are encouraged to get out as much as they can to run, walk, and get active.

“We’re looking for sponsors right now to donate prizes. Last year we had a lot of community businesses and gear stores that were able to donate,” Markin explained.

Once people do sign up, they’ll have to create a free STRAVA account where they can log their fitness activity for the following six weeks.

READ MORE: Langley4Langley encouraging people to sign up, get active, and help food bank

“You can walk, run, or do your own thing. We want to see who is going the furthest, quickest, or longest and there will be random daily prizes,” he added.

Markin said there were 45 entrants last year and every participant got a prize.

He expects Langley4Langley to grow in size for its second year, seeing as how he now has help to hold the fundraiser as opposed to doing it all by himself last year.

“People were cooped up last year, so it started as a way to get people out. We want to build on that and getting people out with family members,” Markin explained. “The food bank is also thankful for the support. It’s just a great cause.”

With COVID-19 still kept in mind, Markin stressed that most of the activities will be meant for people to do on their own, though there are plans for group runs at Derby Reach next month.

Anyone interested in signing up or becoming a sponsor can visit

All donations will receive an instant tax receipt and the first 50 people to sign up will get a free Brooks T-shirt.

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Aldergrove Star