The team gathered in the NVSS gym on July 5 to take part in a motivational talk by Benefield discussing his football career and what it takes to get to the top.

The team gathered in the NVSS gym on July 5 to take part in a motivational talk by Benefield discussing his football career and what it takes to get to the top.

Football legend brings camp to Vanderhoof

Benefield and Claire Nielsen teamed up to start a football camp

Christina Millington

Omineca Express

Daved Benefield, CFL All-Star and coach for the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds brought his expertise to the NVSS fields July 6 & 7.

Benefield and Claire Nielsen teamed up to start a football camp (Benefield Skills Development Camp) that would encourage aspired football players not only to excel in the classroom, but to gain balance between the two and dominate on the field.

The camp is specific to Vanderhoof varsity and junior ages.

The team gathered in the NVSS gym on July 5 to take part in a motivational talk by Benefield discussing his football career and what it takes to get to the top.

Benefield engaged the boys in his talk in hopes to get them more involved with one another not only on the field as teammates, but socially to gain a “brotherhood” that would take them far on the field and in the classroom.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express