Football teams preparing for fall season

EMCS football program starting up off-season training

The Edward Milne community school football program will be holding off-season training to prepare for the fall season.

“Football is a year-round sport at the high school level, and when we’re not playing football, we’re getting ready to play football,” said Richard Whiteley, program head coach.

The football/rugby off-season training camp will begin on Jan. 14 until the end of February, and will be held on Monday and Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. at EMCS field.

Training will be administered by Matt Mortenson, rugby coach, and Nathan Lowther, football coach.

The camp is open to all EMCS students and Grade 8 students from Journey middle school.

For each session, students will be broken into three groups and each group will rotate through different programming: weight room fundamentals, high intensity interval training and ball control skills.

The sessions will begin with group dynamic warm ups and will finish with games.

Whiteley said the football and rugby programs are encouraging players to engage in both sports.

“They’re fairly similar, and rugby is in the spring and football is in the fall. It keeps them active, it keeps their strength up.”

Football spring training camp  will be hosted in May.

Looking for players

The football program is also recruiting players for their senior and junior teams.

“We’re looking for senior players, so players who are going into Grade 11 and Grade 12,” Whiteley said.

“If you’ve never played before, but you’re interested in the game, and would like to come and check it out, you’re more than welcome to contact me.”

He said nobody will be expected to perform beyond their capabilities.

“Our mission statement is basically to put them in the best position to succeed,” Whiteley said.

“We will find where their skill level is at, help them attain a higher skill level and use them in the skill level they develop or already have.”

For the junior team, Whiteley said they are looking for students going into Grades 8, 9 and 10.

All players will see time on the field.

Call out to volunteers

Due to the costs of running a football program, the teams are in need of volunteers to help with fundraising.

“The high school needs fundraising help because we need to travel, and travelling to and from different schools in different cities takes busses and busses cost money,” Whiteley said.

“The gear, as it ages, we need to replace it, and there’s some gear that needs to be replaced no matter what we do.”

There is also a need for volunteers to help on game day, to hold the stick and help with set up and take down.  An equipment manager is also needed to assist players with equipment and ensure it is in tip top shape.

To join the football team or volunteer, contact Whiteley at:




Sooke News Mirror