Aidan Morrison brings the puck into the offensive zone for the Wranglers during a game in November 2019. (File photo)

Aidan Morrison brings the puck into the offensive zone for the Wranglers during a game in November 2019. (File photo)

Former Wrangler receives KIJHL bursary

'Any bit of money helps a lot for next year'

Former Wranglers player Aidan Morrison is one of three recipients of a $500 Kootenay International Junior Hockey League bursary from the Doug Birks Division.

The bursaries are based on academic achievement, sportsmanship, hockey participation and or quality of contribution as well as community participation and service.

“I was very pleased. I was really looking forward to that one,” he says. “I was really pleased about this one. Any bit of money helps a lot for next year.”

Morrison will be going to Concordia University in Edmonton and join their college team but isn’t sure yet what that will look like given social distancing regulations.

“I think that we’re going to follow what U Sports does but we’re supposed to have a team meeting within the next couple of weeks. I think that I’ll get a definite answer then but at the moment I really have no idea what the season is looking like.”

He’s doing the same training as he always does even though there’s no ice right now, including shooting pucks and working on his hands.

“I hope to take my love for hockey as far as I can, whether this be coaching or potentially playing pro hockey in Europe,” says Morrison. “If my hockey aspirations aren’t fulfilled, I hope to go to med school after my undergraduate and eventually become a psychiatrist.”

Morrison played as a defenceman for the Wranglers, scoring six goals and 27 assists in the 2019/2020 season, topping his 2018/2019 season in which he scored six goals and 23 assists for the Wranglers.

“Without my development in the KIJHL, I would have never learned to stop overthinking on the ice and to just play my game,” he says. “100 Mile House is a great little town that supports the Wranglers. Our work in the community helped me mature as a person and helped translate into being a part of the leadership group during my second year.”

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