Jordan Siegmueller Memorial Charity Golf Tournament organizers Cody and Crystal Wells are looking forward to hosting this year’s event in July. Last year’s event raised upwards of $33,000. (Photo submitted)

Jordan Siegmueller Memorial Charity Golf Tournament organizers Cody and Crystal Wells are looking forward to hosting this year’s event in July. Last year’s event raised upwards of $33,000. (Photo submitted)

Fourth annual Jordan Siegmueller Memorial Charity Golf Tournament slated for July 18

Funds raised will go to Big Brothers Big Sisters and two Lake City secondary bursaries

This year’s fourth annual Jordan Siegmueller Memorial Charity Golf Tournament will drive ahead in the beloved community member’s honour at the Williams Lake Golf and Tennis Club.

Normally held in early May, the popular event has been pushed back to Saturday, July 18 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

“This tournament is to honour Jordan, who was just a great guy,” said JSMCGT organizer Crystal Wells who, alongside her husband, Cody Wells, host the tournament.

Siegmueller died on July 27 of 2016 at the age of 24 in a tragic accident on the Fraser River.

He was an avid member of the golf community, and the broader community of Williams Lake, and was also an employee at the WLGTC.

This year’s tournament is full at 160 players, and filled up in record time within four hours of registration going live in February.

READ MORE: Third annual Jordan Siegmuelelr Memorial Golf Tournament

It will be a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake and District, and two $1,000 Lake City Secondary School athletic bursaries named after Siegmueller.

“Because of everything happening with [COVID-19] this will be the only major fundraiser for BBBSWL this year,” Crystal said. “So we’re hoping to help them out as best as we can and be able to give back to the community.”

The tournament will be a big hole scramble format, like in previous years, however, won’t have a shotgun start due to coronavirus safety precautions being taken at the WLGTC.

Tee times will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 4 p.m.

“The other big change, unfortunately, is we’re not able to do the dinner, but everyone at the tournament will still get a gift card to a local restaurant and, this way, we can still give back to those restaurants that have been closed, too,” Crystal said.

There will be three hole-in-one prizes up for grabs, including a vehicle from both Heartland Toyota and Cariboo GM, and a Polaris quad.

“We’re hoping to reach our goal of raising $100,000 of giving back to the community over the four years,” Crystal said. “We had a big year last year and raised just over $33,00o. It’s pretty incredible.”

Crystal added she wants to thank all the businesses and community members who have contributed to the tournament in the past, and continue to do so.

READ MORE: Upwards of $30,000 raised at Jordan Siegmueller Memorial Charity Golf Tournament

“Everyone has been so generous,” she said, noting they are now in the process of gathering sponsorships, donations and prizes.

If any individuals or businesses would like to contribute to the tournament they can contact Crystal at 250-302-9613 or at

Crystal said a donation-level system (gold, silver, bronze) has been implemented with perks for each level, including recognition for those donations.

greg.sabatino@wltribune.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Williams Lake Tribune