Full Steam ahead

Summerland Steam open season with two wins on the road against Osoyoos and Revelstoke.

Summerland Steam goaltender Brett Huber

Summerland Steam goaltender Brett Huber

Brett Huber backstopped the Steam to two big road wins on the opening weekend of the 2013/14 Kootenay International Junior Hockey League season.

Huber faced 62 shots and allowed just one powerplay goal in six periods of play.

On Friday evening the Steam were in Osoyoos, where they demoralized their archrivals 4-0 in front of their home crowd.

Scoring for the Steam were rookies Aaron Durant, Reid Brown and Shane Bennett while the wylie veteran Olli Dickson added his first of the season.

On Saturday they journeyed to Revelstoke and hammered the Grizzlies by a 6-1 score.

The home town Grizzlies came out hard and physical but were no match for the fast, disciplined visitors.

Kendell Wilson opened the scoring with the Grizzlies tieing it up to end the first period, the Steam took over the game in the second scoring three times, Alex Fraser, Durant and Brown.

The Steam continued their dominance in the third adding two more by Josh DaCosta and Cooper Holick.

Next weekend the Steam are on the road once again with games in Nelson, Beaver Valley and Spokane.

Steam home opener is Sept. 27 against the Princeton Posse.


Summerland Review