Fun soccer tourney returns in June

Adult Co-ed 7-aside event always provides lots of fun for all participants







It’s that time again!

Dust off your cleats for the 12th annual CVUSC Adult Co-Ed 7-aside Soccer Tournament June 1-3 at Valley View fields in Courtenay.

“The CVUSC Revolution women’s team are your hosts once again and these ladies know how to throw a great event,” said team spokesperson Jill Nelson. Teams from around the region will be coming including Powell River, Victoria, Campbell River, Denman and Cortes islands, and Port Alberni.

“You can register your team in one or two of the four categories: Men’s Open, Women’s Open, Co-Ed Open 19 +, and Co-Ed Wreckreational for the gently seasoned.  Don’t expect this tourney to go by without friendly skilled competition mixed with high drama as teams from the past will be looking to regain their titles,” Nelson said.

“Will the Fubard Streakers prevail, or will Hammertime capture their title back this year?  Will Joe Brooker’s men’s team from Victoria be the team to beat this time?  We can’t forget the great past performances from Hawaiian Punch, Hospital Pass and the Purple Princesses.


“All the frills go with this event; concession, raffles, Beat the Keeper, and licensed clubhouse, and a special prize for the best ‘theme team.’  All registration details are on the CVUSC website, or visit us on Facebook at ‘7 aside Co-Ed Soccer Tourny’, or call or e-mail Jill Nelson at, 250-339-0276.  Register now and join us for what is sure to be the most fun you’ve ever had on the pitch!”



Comox Valley Record