Nelson Minor Hockey player Axl Smith (left, with his brother Kai) was diagnosed with leukemia this fall. Several fundraisers are underway to support the family while Axl receives treatment. Photo submitted

Nelson Minor Hockey player Axl Smith (left, with his brother Kai) was diagnosed with leukemia this fall. Several fundraisers are underway to support the family while Axl receives treatment. Photo submitted

Fundraising underway for Nelson Minor Hockey player diagnosed with leukemia

Eight-year-old Axl Smith is undergoing treatment in Vancouver

  • Dec. 19, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Submitted by Nelson Minor Hockey

A group of friends have come together to organize a fundraiser Friday night at the Nelson Legion after Chad and Leanne Smith’s eight-year-old son Axl was recently diagnosed with two rare forms of leukemia.

Axl started hockey season off in September scoring a hat trick. The weekend after, he had a league game where he was just too weak to finish. It was thought Axl just had a school year flu, but by mid-November Axl was still not well. Blood work confirmed a parent’s worst nightmare.

Axl is now receiving aggressive chemotherapy at B.C. Children’s Hospital in Vancouver and will continue treatment for another seven to eight months. Chad has been travelling back and forth and is currently is home with Axl’s older brother Kai, doing his best to make things as normal as possible for his Grade 6 school and hockey year.

Leanne is beside Axl during his treatments and helping him cope with long days in a hospital room. Chad and Kai will be heading to Vancouver to be with Axl and Leanne over the holidays.

Friends have been organizing Friday’s event for the past few weeks and community support has been tremendous. They ask you come out and show your support. Not only is it for a good cause, but it will be a fun night.

Doors open at the Legion (402 Victoria St.) at 8 p.m. There will be a suggested donation of $20 at the door to attend the event. There will be a silent and live auction with some incredible items up for grabs, with all auction proceeds, door money as well as a large portion of bar sales going directly to the Smith family.

There will also be live music with International Singing Sensation Dallas Wolbaum. So get your dancing shoes on. Feel free to bring an appetizer or munchie dish to share, or just stop in and check out fabulous prizes to add under your tree. No minors please, and a shuttle bus is available to make sure you get home safe.

Meanwhile, the Nelson Leafs are dedicating their game Friday night to Axl and his family. Axl’s senior novice team has been asked to stand behind the players’ bench as they honour Axl as the Seventh Man. The Leafs’ game begins at 7 p.m. at the Nelson and District Community Complex.

If there is another way you would like to contribute to the Smith family please contact Dallas Wolbaum at 250-505-2472 or Marlo Tedesco at 250-551-4033. There is also a Smith meal train. If you want to contribute, click here.

Nelson Star