Gallery: Chasing wild goose for the 38th time

Nearly 300 people stretched their feet on Victoria Street for the 38th Annual Wild Goose Chase Fun Run on May 1.

Nearly 300 runners, joggers, walkers, and strollers stretched their feet on Victoria Street for the 38th Annual Wild Goose Chase Fun Run in Vanderhoof on May 1.

Brian and Wanda Nemethy will be stepping down as race directors next year, after 19 years in their role.

“We’ll be able to race next time,” Wanda said.

The top 6 winners overall are Alexander Nemethy for male 8-km run, Kaley Strachan for female 8-km run, Julia Steinebach for female 3.5- km run, Isaac  Goodrich for male 3.5-km run, Suzanne Sharp for female 5-km walk, and Tony Prazma for male 5-km walk.

A record number of 27 girls aged eight and under also participated in the 3.5-km run.

Vanderhoof Omineca Express