Gens’ Pink in the Rink

Local hockey team promoting breast cancer awareness

The colour pink has been very noticeable through October, “Pink in the Rink” month for the Save–On–Foods Oceanside Generals.

The Generals’ campaign for breast cancer awareness has seen the players on the team donning pink, with stick tape, laces on their skates and jerseys and even on the pads of the goalies.

For the Gens, the decision was easy to do their part and support the cause by going “pink.” For Chandler Bruyckere, the cause hits close to home, like it has for countless others.

“I’ve been close to a few people who’ve passed away from cancer,” Bruyckere said before practice recently.

“My grandmother passed away from Cancer, a friend I went to school with at St. Mary’s in Saskatchewan passed away from leukemia too. It’s something that I’ve been close to, much like a lot of people have, so this cause is a cause close to me, for sure.”

The Generals are raising money throughout October at the door and during the game, with all the proceeds going to the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Players have taken right to the cause by gearing up with pink, thanks to Kirby’s Source for Sports-North, which has supplied the team with as much pink gear as they need.

“It’s great to see all the guys on the team getting involved in it,” Bruyckere said.

“It might seem like a small thing, putting colored tape on your stick and taping your shin pads with it, but to so many people who’ve been affected by it, it can mean a lot to them to see that you’re out here supporting a cause that’s touched so many lives.”

“We’re just a small part of the awareness that people are trying to bring towards it but we’re happy to play a role and get involved.”

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