Kids can get their physical activity in this summer with the fun sport of parkour, offered through Echo Centre.

Kids can get their physical activity in this summer with the fun sport of parkour, offered through Echo Centre.

Get outdoors and get active with parkour

Echo Centre is again offering summer parkour classes to kids for both beginner and intermediate ages.

A new active type of fitness class is being offered again at Echo Centre for kids this summer: parkour.

“Parkour is all-round fitness,” says instructor Michael Kleyn, who has brought the program to Echo Centre for the summer. “It builds strength, coordination—balance is huge—spatial awareness.

“A big part of it is overcoming fear: fear of heights, fear of falling.”

Traditional parkour uses items found in urban surroundings, like the sides of buildings, railings, etc. Kleyn, who has been teaching parkour for six years, uses gym mats and vaults to teach agility and conditioning, and safety is always the first focus in class.

Kleyn teaches things like proper landings, rolling, personal safety and situational awareness.

“Parkour is a lot safer than most sports because you can control your own movements,” he said.

“I work with people on safety…no jumping from rooftops.”

Kleyn and fellow instructor Caiden Edwards are offering five parkour classes this summer. Intro to Parkour (ages 5–10) started on Monday, July 4 and runs until July 8 from 3:30–6 p.m. There is also an Intro to Parkour weekend intensive class July 16–17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day (a bag lunch is required).

There is a beginner/ intermediate (ages 11–18) intensive weekend course July 9–10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and five-day class from July 11–15 from 3:30–6 p.m. daily.

An intermediate class will be offered July 18–21 for ages 11 to adults, from 3:30–6 p.m. daily. The level of fitness suggested for this class is medium to advanced.

All classes take place outdoors; bring a water and snack. Classes meet at Echo Field House.

To register in parkour classes, please call the Parks, Recreation and Heritage department at Echo Centre, 250-723-2181.



Alberni Valley News