Ruby is celebrating her 84th birthday Friday, Dec. 1 and attributes her great health and sunny outlook to remaining physically active. Angie Mindus photo

Ruby is celebrating her 84th birthday Friday, Dec. 1 and attributes her great health and sunny outlook to remaining physically active. Angie Mindus photo

Getting along swimmingly

84 year old celebrates her birthday with 84 laps at the pool, and TRX class

Anyone needing some motivation to get fit this year need to look no further than Ruby Williams.

“Ruby is our inspiration. She can do things women half her age can’t do,” said Nicole Pleasants, a TRX instructor with the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex (CMRC).

“Especially for us women, she’s an inspiration to keep moving and keep active and it shows what that does for you. She’s incredible.”

To mark her 84th birthday Dec 1 Ruby hit the water at the Sam Ketchum Pool Wednesday morning to swim 84 laps.

“I do that every year, my birthday laps,” said Ruby, who completed the goal in about 80 minutes.

If that wasn’t enough, Ruby attended her regular TRX class later that morning at CMRC.

Ruby said she swims two times a week, takes the TRX class, does yoga and also walks a lot.

“It’s just a life habit,” she said of her exercise routine.

Ruby considers the CMRC a true asset to the city and looks forward to the completion of the second phase of the pool.

“It’s going to draw a lot of people to our area. It’s a beautiful pool.”

As well as exercise, Ruby also credits healthy eating habits and moderating her sugar intake with her great health at 84.

When asked how old she feels, Ruby responded, “oh I don’t know, 59?”

Williams Lake Tribune