Getting involved with the BC Senior Games

The BC Senior Games offers great times at a fun filled competition.

The BC Seniors Games are going to Burnaby this year, but as of yet, Golden has no athletes participating.

Steve and Linda Conway competed in the mixed couples tennis event at last year’s games in Trail, Castlegar and Nelson, and were the only participants from Golden.

“Last year was the first year we were involved. It was really fabulous and not a very expensive week. The only thing we paid for was our own accommodation and food,” said Linda. The couple, who have been playing tennis for many years, heard about the games and decided to inquire.

“We saw it in the paper, so we phoned up and asked about it, and that was it. We were in,” said Steve.

The BC Seniors Games is a competitive and fun week-long event that bring athletes 55 and older, from all over the province together. There are countless events, some of which have a competitive and recreational divisions.

Events range from golf, track and field and tennis, to darts, one-act plays and cribbage, and just about everything in between.

British Columbia has been divided into 12 zones, and all athletes compete for their zone, and participants from Golden compete in Zone 7.

“If there’s too many people who want to play then you have to qualify. But in this zone we didn’t have to worry,” said Steve. There is a small but active group that plays tennis here in Golden says Linda, but the Conways were the only couple to participate in the Games.

“And we actually came in third, which was great. When you consider we don’t have indoor facilities here, and everybody else plays indoor in the winter,” said Linda.

Steve and Linda were blown away by how organized and how social the week of competition was. They met friends from Vancouver, who have since visited them here in Golden for a skiing weekend.

“The banquet was fabulous. There were 3,500 people there. It’s just so well organized,” said Linda.

“The dance floor was packed as soon as the band played it’s first note. Once people get to a certain age they don’t get self conscious, they just dance,” said Steve.

The Conways have decided not to compete this year because they have no interest in travelling to the city. But they had a fabulous time, and intend to compete again in the future.

“We have to go back eventually to defend out bronze medal,” said Steve.

“I would highly recommend it to anyone, it was a really great time,” said Linda.

The Games take place from Aug. 21 to 25 in Burnaby, and athletes have plenty of time left to sign up for an event. The deadline is June 15.

For more information on the BC Seniors Games, the events, the costs and how to register, go to


Golden Star