Felix Larouche

Felix Larouche

Getting used to a new home with the Rockets

Felix Larouche has found a home in the middle of the mountains while playing for the Golden Rockets.

Felix Larouche has found a home in the middle of the mountains while playing for the Golden Rockets.

Larouche, who is from Kamloops, is having a great first year with the team.

“I love it here. I like the town and the mountains. Coming from Kamloops, this is a really small town. Everyone knows each other. I find that cool,” he said.

Currently Larouche is attending classes at Golden Secondary School. This is very important because the team wants him to be focused on his education as well as hockey.

“It is not always easy but you have to try and do your best,” he said.

Larouche describes himself as more of a grinder style of player on the ice.

“I get in on the forecheck and finish my checks every time I get the chance. I have to get to the net and find rebounds,” he said.

So far he has been happy with his play but believes there is room to improve.

“It has been going pretty good. I feel confident out there but I do have to relax with the puck. I need to execute better as well,” he said. “I want to get at least half a point a game on average. Around 40 points would be great.”

Learning a new system with the Rockets has also been an enjoyable challenge.

“It hasn’t been too bad. There is more of a system to this league than there was in major midget. There are also bigger guys to deal with,” he said. “We have really come together as a team and the guys are really bonding. It has been good playing with them.”


Golden Star