Gillian Iddiols wins pin at Glacier Greens Ladies golf

Tuesday, Aug. 4 and another great turnout for Glacier Greens Ladies golf.

We teed off at 9 and the game for the pin was on. Couldn’t blame the weather – no rain, no wind and no complaining were the order of the day and so it happened with Gillian Iddiols winning the gold and diamond (simulated) pin for the low net of 66. Way to go, Gillian!

The low gross winner was Gene Renaud with an 81 and a round of applause. Ellie Nicholas took second low net with 69, their low net went to Roberta Cadieu with a 70 on a count back and fourth and fifth low net were won by Sylvie Nekolaichuk and Beth Broomfield, respectively.

Lowest number of putts recorded for the morning belonged to Janet Edwards with only 27 and consolation prizes were awarded to Marg Rushton and Marie Israel with 28 putts each; close but no cigar. Marg Rushton won the KP for hole #4 and Janet Edwards for hole #12.

Next Tuesday, 8:30 for 9 a.m., is Chocolate Tuesday so we know we’ll see you all there!

– Glacier Greens Ladies Golf


Comox Valley Record