Girls soccer at home

Fort St. James’ girls soccer teams played against Nechako Valley Secondary on Vanderhoof’s fields on April 26.

A member of Fort St. James’ senior girls soccer team (white) is on guard as a Nechako Valley Secondary player (blue) manoeuvres the ball on Vanderhoof’s fields on April 26.

A member of Fort St. James’ senior girls soccer team (white) is on guard as a Nechako Valley Secondary player (blue) manoeuvres the ball on Vanderhoof’s fields on April 26.

A member of Fort St. James’ senior girls soccer team (white) is on guard as a Nechako Valley Secondary player (blue) manoeuvres the ball on Vanderhoof’s fields on April 26. The game was followed by FSJSS’ junior girls soccer team against NVSS in the evening.

Vanderhoof Omineca Express